Prof. Dr. Bardhyl CEKU
Completed his studies at the Vocational Commercial School in Vlora with a “Golden Medal”, and then in the Faculty of Economy, University of Tirana, in the profile of trade economist with distinguished results. Until 1981, he worked as a part-time lecturer in the Department of Trade. During 1981-1983 period, he completed the foreign trade course at the Faculty of Economy. In 1986, he defended the PhD thesis and in 1994 he obtained the title “Professor”. He attended specialisations in the field of marketing at the University “Pierre Mendès France” Grenoble (France), University of Nebraska-Lincoln (USA), University of Anger (France) and University of Venice (Italy). In some of these universities he held cycles of lectures as guest professor (at the University of Anger-France, regional universities, etc.). He is author of more than 30 textbooks, monographies, brochures, as well as author of scientific papers and participant in several studies. He acted in the capacity of member or adviser of several governmental and non-governmental organisations. He held several steering positions, such as Head of Department, Deputy Dean, Deputy Rector. He has supervised and co-mentored many students for obtaining the degree of “Doctor of Science” inside and outside the country. He has been consultant in several private companies. Since 2006, he is President of CEDIMES (Center of Studies for International Development of Social and Economic Changes) in Albania, Paris-based. He held meetings for exchange of experience in some other Universities, such as Austria, Great Britain, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Egypt, Germany, Greece, Lithuania, Morocco, Poland, Rumania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tunisia, Turkey etc. Currently, he is carrying out the duty of Head of Department of Economic Sciences in the Albanian University, Tirana.