Beside qualitative teaching with the most contemporary methods, employment of the graduates at the“ Albanian University” is one of the key priorities of the university administrative staff

In this respect, “Albanian University”, in particular Faculty of Medical Sciences signed a cooperation agreement with Cooperativa Sociale COOSS-MARCHE in Ancona, Italy. This agreement is focused on direct and continuous recruitment of the graduates from “Albanian University” in the branch Read More


The refinement of tradition  A visit to the National Ethnographic Museum of Berat was added to the numerous activities of the students of the Department of Art Design during these end-of-year holidays. Detailed explanations of the weaving and craftsmanship of Read More

Lecturers of Department of Education and English participate in International Congress of Albanological Studies organized by Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Albania and Kosovo Academy of Sciences

Head of Department of Education and English in the “Albanian University”, Dr.Gilberta Hadaj and lecturer Dr.Esmeralda Strori participated with their scientific works as a poster presentation in the International Congress of Albanological Studies organized by Academy of Sciences of the Read More

Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences in Albanian University (AU), Prof. Dr. Kaliopi Naska is awarded with a Certificate of Appreciation for her scientific contribution in the field of religious studies by World Bektashi Order during the International Scientific Conference held in the framework of establishment of World Bektashi Center in Albania

“Role of Democratic System in re-opening of Bektashism in Albanian and worldwide in the last 30 years” was the main topic of the study presented by Prof.Dr. Kaliopi Naska, dean of Faculty of Social Sciences in the Albanian University, invited Read More

“Albanian University” together with the World Headquarters of Bektashism organize in the framework of RESILIENCE the conference: “Bektashism in Albanian culture”

In the framework of the Research Infrastructure for Religious Studies RESILIENCE, “Albanian University”, together with World Bektashi Headquarters organised the conference “Bektashism in Albanian culture” with the participation of World Bektashi Headfather, His Grace, Hajji Dede Edmond Brahimaj and Rector Read More