The Form of Assessment within the Albanian and European System

The Form of Assessment Within the Albanian and European System


At the end of each subject the assessment is done with points (from 0 to 100 points) and the final result is converted to the national grade assessment system which is 4 to 10, where grade 4 is a non-passing grade and 10 is the maximum estimate for knowledge of obtained as well as expressed in letters A through F according to the ECTS grade rating system. For further details, see the table below:


Points Norm Letter
95-100 10 A
91-94 10 A-
86-90 9 B+
81-85 9 B
76-80 8 B-
71-75 8 C+
66-70 7 C
61-65 7 C-
56-60 6 D+
51-55 6 D
46-50 5 D-
41-45 5 E
1-40 4 F