“Organisation of Info Day in Albanian University: Application for National and International Programs”. Presentation of mobility programs – Erasmus+ KA1 dhe CEEPUS, as well as Cost Program for individual applications

On Tuesday, on 21.06.2022, at 14:00 at the University Building in Kavaja street, Auditory 101, under the auspices of Office for Coordination of Scientific Research and Academic Publications  was organised the “Info Day: Application for National and International Programs”. Dr. Read More


Following a long interruption due to pandemic, the EXHIBITION OF ART & DESIGN STUDENTS is back, an event which really shows the embodiment of efforts carried out by students and their mentors for realisation of over 400 dignified works. They Read More

Workshop on “EU-Western Balkans Cooperation: Thinking of New Possibilities for Development” organised at the “Albanian University” , as a closing activity in the framework of EUWEB Jean Monnet module

Workshop on “EU-Western Balkans Cooperation: Thinking of New Possibilities for Development”, as a closing activity in the framework of EUWEB Jean Monnet module (EU-Western Balkans Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs), in which “Albanian University” participated as a partner, was Read More