“Albanian University” in the capacity of co-organizer, together with the University of Prizren “Ukshin Hoti”, 7 other universities in the region and with the energetic promoter of this conference “Balkan Sociological Forum”, participated in the two-day International Interdisciplinary Conference on “Comparative Studies in Modern Society – The Balkans in an Integrated and Comparative Approach”. The Rector of “AU”, Prof.Dr. Kaliopi Naska welcomed this fourth edition of the Balkan Sociological Forum as an outstanding contribution in the field of scientific research with the main focus on Multiculturalism as Social Theory, Balkan Countries in the comparative evaluation of PISA, Migration, Integration, and Globalization, which in the context of the pandemic take on an even greater value.
This fourth forum was organized online and combined with the physical presence at the University of Prizren in Kosovo.