Workshop on “EU-Western Balkans Cooperation: Thinking of New Possibilities for Development”, as a closing activity in the framework of EUWEB Jean Monnet module (EU-Western Balkans Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs), in which “Albanian University” participated as a partner, was organised in the venues of “Albanian University” on Tuesday, 14.06.2022.
During the workshop were discussed the results of EUWEB module, published materials, Erasmus mobilities held so far in its framework, as well as future opportunities aiming to strengthen and expand cooperation. Attending the workshop were representatives of partner Universities engaged in EUWEB module.
In her speech, Prof. Teresa Russo, head of the project, appreciated the cooperation with all partners and in particular extended thanks to “Albanian University” for organization of this closing activity, as well as publication of 2021 conference materials in “Optime” journal.
The guests were greeted by rector of “Albanian University”, Prof. Pavllo Kongo and Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, Prof. Kaliopi Naska, who praised the collaboration with the University of Salerno, considering it a fruitful cooperation, which has created exchange opportunities for AU students and staff. The participants expressed their desire and will to continue the cooperation and applications in joint projects in the future.