Dean Prof. Assoc. Dr. Valbona Ribaj Cinaj
Head of Department: Dr. Fatmira Kola
The Department of Economics is part of the Faculty of Applied Sciences at Albanian University and aims at spreading to higher levels of intellectual knowledge in economic sciences. The Department is a basic science-based unit that includes homogeneous research areas and grouping relevant teaching disciplines. It has the duty to promote, co-ordinate and administer the teaching activity and research activities. The Department of Economic Sciences promotes the free development of study and learning process and takes care of the quality of teaching in all study cycles in accordance with the legislation on higher education in the Republic of Albania, the Statute and the Regulations of the Institution.
The Department of Economic Sciences offers these study programs:
- Bachelor in “Finance-Banking”
- Bachelor in “Business Management”
- Professional Master in “Banking and Financial Management”
- Professional Master in “Business Administration”
- Master of Science in “Banking Management”
- Master of Science in “Business Administration”
For the academic year 2019-2020, Albanian University has applied and is awaiting the order of approval by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for opening the following program to be offered by the Department of Economics:
- Professional Master Degree in Financial Intermediary Financing with 3 Profiles in: 1. Bonds, 2. Insurance, 3. Real Estate.
Bachelor Degree in “Finance-Banking”
The Bachelor Degree in “Finance-Banking” was licensed with the approval of MES no. 8981, dated 27.12.2005, accredited by Order no. 355, dated 03.11.2009 and Order no. 541, dated 01.12.2010, re-accredited by Decision of Accreditation Board of ASCAL no. 79, dated 05.10.2019.
This program offers full knowledge in the field of finance and banking with a normal duration of three academic years with a total of 180 credits. The program carefully follows the development of world economic science, focusing in particular on achievements in the field of financial sciences, banking and non-banking institutions.
The Bachelor study program at “Finance-Banking” aims to prepare economists with contemporary knowledge and ability to work mainly in financial institutions, but not only. Students of this profile are equipped with sufficient knowledge and skills to work as financiers in various industries of the economy, in accordance with labor market needs. The study program, by combining basic training courses, general training courses, specialty courses and internships, aims to develop theoretical skills and student habits, in order to prepare banking and finance specialists capable of working mainly in financial and monetary institutions.
The curriculum sets the foundations for a future financier who can easily integrate and work in banking institutions in the area of financial investment related to investment and venture capital management in the field of financial market research and accounting and financial statistics, insurance companies and investment banks, institutions, credit, competition and financial market insurance, manufacturing companies or services, etc.
Bachelor study program in “Business Management”
The Bachelor study program in “Business Management” was licensed with DCM no. 408, dated 26.05.2010, accredited by Order No. 240, dated 09.05.2016, and Decision of the Accreditation Board no. 33, dated 19.05.2017, re-accredited by Decision No. 79, dated 27.10.2018.
This program provides full knowledge of the core mission issues of companies, carried out in 180 credits with a normal duration of three years. The curriculum mission is to prepare economists of the Business Management profile with basic and profound contemporary knowledge to adapt to different types of business, capable of working in different sectors of the economy, in accordance with the needs of labor market. The curriculum fully fits in with the department’s strategic goal to prepare a new generation of economists capable of contributing to strengthening and consolidating the market economy system in our country.
The idea and design of the multidimensional curriculum has been made in full coherence with the requirements of the Bologna Charter by consulting with the best models of the country’s, European and world-acclaimed high school counterparts curricula. The curriculum optimizes the relationships between general training disciplines, those of basic formation and special training and practical training of students.
Great help in building such a coherent and multidimensional curriculum has been provided by departmental teachers, most of whom have completed university and postgraduate studies of MA or PHD in Albania or in countries such as the USA, Japan, Germany, England, Greece, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Italy, as well as senior managers and specialists of senior rankings in public administration and private business.
Graduates in Business Management Bachelor will be able to use and evaluate tools for analyzing the company, to recognize the threats and opportunities faced by organizations in ever-changing and global environments and to be able to make optimal decisions at different levels of business administration.
Professional Master Study Program on “Banking and Financial Management”
The Professional Master Study Program in “Banking and Financial Management” was licensed by Order no. 176, dated 26.04.2012, accredited by Order no.441, dated 25.08.2016, as well as by the Decision of the Accreditation Board no. 53, dated 10.07.2017, re-accredited by Decision of Accreditation Board of ASCAL no. 53, dated 05.07.2019
This program prepares senior banking sector specialists as well as managers and consultants in this sector by providing the necessary technical and managerial skills and skills to create a successful career in the banking sector or other financial institutions. The program is realized in one academic year with a total of 60 credits.
The underlying purpose of this study program is to contribute to the enhancement of the professional quality of graduates of the first cycle of Bachelor or Old Systems graduates who want to continue their professional career by specializing in the field of management.
It profiles students in different areas of financial management by providing insights into general market law, financial intermediation institutions, contemporary models and visions of institutional structures, firm positioning in the financial environment in the context of globalization and European integration.
The program also stimulates practical skills for economic analysis of financial indicators and their use in national and regional issues under the report of standards and profile rules. Graduates of this cycle are equipped with financial planning skills and argumentative and advisory competencies for various institutions in the field of economy.
Master’s Degree Program in “Business Administration”
The Professional Master Program in “Business Administration” is licensed by Order no. 176, dated 26.04.2012, accredited by Order no.440, dated 25.08.2016, and by Decision of the Accreditation Board no. 52, dated 10.07.2017, re-accredited by Decision of Accreditation Board of ASCAL no.52, dated 05.07.2019.
This program aims to prepare capable managers and executives in the field of business administration in order to open up career development opportunities, not only to the management profile in the private and public sector, but also to promote further career prospects their academic lives. The program is realized in one academic year with a total of 60 credits.
It profiles students in different business management directions by providing insights on firm orientation and specific boundaries of their progress, contemporary models and visions, and the positioning of entities in the context of globalization and European integration. The program also stimulates practical skills for analyzing the business climate in the national and regional context. Graduates of this cycle are equipped with the ability to undertake critical study of the resources of the organization and co-ordinate financial, marketing, production knowledge, etc. in the value chain.
It aims at equipping graduates with in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge as well as proper professional training on economic sciences, business policies and business administration, skills, habits, methodologies and competencies needed to easily assume managerial functions to gain more responsibility at work, or to further develop their professional career. Particular attention is paid to the dimension and recognition of organizational structures, institution management, planning, legislation and functioning of various sectors of the economy.
Students completing Master Business in Business Administration at Albanian University can work at managerial and executive levels in various companies, private and public institutions or agencies, as well as take initiatives to open private entrepreneurs.
The Master of Science study program on “Banking Management”
The Master of Science in Banking Management Program has been licensed with DCM no. 56, dated 21.01.2009, accredited by Order no. 327, dated 07.08.2012, as well as re-accredited by Decision of the Accreditation Board no. 81, dated 27.10.2018. This program has been re-accredited by Decision of Accreditation Board of ASCAL no. 65, dated 10.09.2022.
This 2-year second cycle study program is addressed to graduates with a Bachelor’s degree with in-depth, theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as training for scientific research or professional training. The program is based on scientific research and creates a solid foundation of knowledge to continue with the third cycle – doctorate studies.
Developing theoretical and empirical logical reasoning skills, arguing and consulting powers for financial institutions, the banking system, national and international non-governmental organizations and all stakeholders in these areas is another important element in the vocational training of students of this cycle.
The knowledge and expertise gained during these two years of study will be finalized with the creation of a group of graduates able to work as managers, business advisors, economists at domestic and foreign companies, banking and non-bank financial institutions, specialists in public agencies, various research centers, consultants or experts of economic indicators at various national and international governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Master of Science Study Program in “Business Administration”
The Master of Science study program in “Business Administration” was licensed with DCM no. 56, dated 21.01.2009, accredited by Order no. 327, dated 07.08.2012, as well as re-accredited by Decision of the Accreditation Board no. 80, dated 27.10.2018.
This second cycle program is a two-year study program that aims to provide students with the principles, academic knowledge, methodologies and skills needed to better respond to market needs and to successfully perform the functions managerial and strategic levels in different environments where they work.
Mastering Master’s Degree in Business Administration is a required international qualification, for senior management or executive level, both in the private and public sector. With the constant change in the economy and the markets in which companies operate, the importance of having a successful strategy and being competitive in the market becomes more and more necessary. Therefore, organizations require managers who are able to contribute to this process.
The underlying purpose of this program in the framework of scientific training is to structure an in-depth analytical approach through the knowledge provided and equip the second cycle graduates with the necessary scientific instruments in the detailed analysis of the economic system as a whole, economic policies, business administration, development of institutions and governance components, designed in the dynamics of their economic and contemporary development.
The knowledge and expertise gained during these two years of study will be finalized with the creation of a group of graduates capable of working as managers, business advisors, economists at domestic and foreign companies, or various research centers, consultants or experts economic indicators at various national and international governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Professional Master in Intermediate Finance, profiling in 1. Bonds, 2. Insurance, 3. Real Estate *
The “Professional Intermediate Finance, profiling in 1. Bonds, 2. Insurance, 3. Real Estate” at Albanian University aims to educate individuals capable of joining professional life in the country; to prepare experts in the areas of financial intermediation, financial analysis, securities markets, insurance and property titles.
These students will be able to apply in practice knowledge about the business portfolio, how to trade securities, build insurance contracts, prepare property titles for the market, market the financial titles, and become prominent professionals of selected profile.
The program prepares and develops skills development opportunities as follows:
- Purchase and sale of stock exchange bonds;
- Financial Advising on Investment Portfolio Diversification;
- Financial analysis;
- Insurance brokerage;
- Mediation in ownership titles.