Wednesday, March 11, 2022, students and researchers from Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Applied Sciences and Economics of “Albanian University” had a visit in the Rare Manuscripts session of the General Directorate of Archives. Specialists of this section Sokol Çunga dhe Rezart Mezani presented to the students the rare manuscripts of religious traditions in Albania, how have been stored up to our days, their historical and scientifical values, used materials, writing techniques, their restauration and special store in the section of rare manuscripts in the General Directorate of Archives.
The visit was a follow up of a previous webinar organized in collaboration in February 17, 2022 (https://albanianuniversity.edu.al/sq/the-central-state-archivr-of-albania-a-short-history-and-its-collection-of-religious-documents/) and concretized for the participants the information previously received through it.
The Manuscripts revived special interest for the students, that expressed the interest to come back in the General Directorate of Archives, to know better the restauration techniques of the manuscripts and to understand them better from the scientific and historical point of view.