“Albanian University” is the first university in Albania to have signed a cooperation agreement with the State Archive of Justice System, through which Bachelor and Master students of Legal Sciences study program were given the opportunity of completion of theoretical, professional and methodic practice in the field of Archive Sciences, Judicial and Investigative Secretary.
Director of State Archive of Justice System, Mr. Zeqir Zeqaj praised the cooperation between two institutions, assistance given by this archive and engagement of students.
Students were equipped with a certificate for the obtained knowledge with the motivation:
“For completion of theoretical, professional and methodic practice in the field of Archive Sciences, Judicial and Investigative Secretary”.
Attending this activity were Rector of Albanian University, Prof. Dr. Pavllo Kongo, Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, Prof. Dr. Kaliopi Naska, Head of Department of Legal, Political and Administrative Sciences, Dr. Doriana Pano, academic staff, students and employees in this archive.