Monograph “Legislation in educational reforms and policies” written by Dr. Albana Tahiri gathered distinguished figures in the field of education, lecturers, students as well as Alumni of the Department of Education and English at the Albanian University. Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, Prof.Dr. Kaliopi Naska highlighted that the author with her twenty-year academic background and experience in the field of education managed to introduce a study, which is a fruit of her research work and duties in the capacity of leading roles in the Albanian educational system and as a lecturer. In her speech on the occasion, Prof. Dr. Mimoza Gjokutaj underlined that this monograph drew her attention because of its applicative aspect of legislation. “Albana has brought together in this work not only the legal knowledge, but also practical activities for implementation of laws and critical thinking,” Prof.Dr. Mimoza Gjokutaj said. Attending the activity, Dr. Besnik Rama pointed to the importance of this work, underlining that an education system without a legal framework is like a ship without a compass. “The first steps of success in the education system starts with a good knowledge about legislation, followed by responsibility for a fair implementation of the legislation,” he said. In a special atmosphere created during this promotion, the work of Dr. Albana Tahiri was considered by colleagues and her former students, who today are directors and professionals in public and private schools in Albania, as a handbook for all professionals in education for the correct application of legislation. Enkelejda Balliu, Ayrela Baça, Albana Shatku, Olta Sala, Kejsi Çupi and Liljana Xhika expressed gratitude to their lecturer Dr.Albana Tahiri.