CALL FOR MOBILITY STUDENTS – Applications at the University of Salerno
The first call for applications for student mobility at the University of Salerno (http://web.unisa.it/international) opens for the academic year 2017 – 2018, under the Erasmus + project for Bachelor in Computer Engineering, Information Technology and Electronics Engineering at the Albanian University.
Student Selection Procedure
- Establishment of the Commission for Applications Review and Selection of Mobility Students
– Department of Engineering Meeting – Beginning of September
- Publish dates to the WEB – Beginning of September
– The last application date for the first round 20.10.2017 e-mail: di@albanianuniversity.edu.al
– Documents required for Application:
- CV
- Motivation letter
- List of grades
- Certificate of protected language (English or Italian) *.
- 3. 10.2017 – Notification of selected student*.
- By 10.2017 – Sending the UNISA Study Agreement to the selected student.
* The majority of courses are held in the Italian language. The University of Salerno gives students the opportunity to develop a free Italian language course of 5 ECTS before the semester.
** Selection will be based on submitted documentation. If necessary, the commission may also conduct interviews with the candidates.