« Konica » cultural association celebrated on February 25, 2023 the 15th anniversary of its creation before the Albanian community in Brussels. This association promotes Albanian culture and diaspora, located in Saint Gilles Commune in Brussels, transmitting the values of a multi-cultural society. Attending the ceremony were diplomats, personalities of the commune, guests from academic, cultural and social fields, as well as members of the Albanian diaspora. Head of Association, Genti Metaj, in his speech on the occasion, made an overview of the activity carried out in the course of these 15 years, harmonising the activities in a social cohesion with cultural projects, thus promoting an active citizenship. The association supports social, cultural and art expressions that contribute to diversity in Brussels, considering the Albanian culture as a key component of European heritage. With its activities, it builds bridges between various peoples, which are part of Brussels in order to live in harmony with each-other. Social, legal and civic activities are also part of the activities of the association. The ceremony was greeted also by Saint Gilles Commune and Prof. Dr. Kaliopi Naska nga Albanian University, as an invited guest in this ceremony. In the name of Albanian University, she donated to the association a work published by AU entitled « Regulations of Albanian Parliament approved in 100 years»