Assessing education and research in universities today is part of the quality assurance of academic work and research institutions. This assessment that is usually attributable to both internal and external structures, shall be obviously made to improve the short, medium and long-term performance of the institution and as such requires dedicated and truthful commitment of all its employees, either academic or administrative, current students and those graduated.
University is aimed at compliance with the European practices of assurance, assessment and quality control. The University shall fully cooperate with the Agency for Accreditation in accordance with the provisions of the Higher Education in Albania. The University shall develop curricula, programs and mechanisms of quality assurance that will be consistent with the establishment of the European Higher Education Area as provided in the Bologna Charter. The university shall maintain contacts with developments in the European Universities Association, the European Network for Quality Assurance and other bodies concerned.
Internal Quality Assurance Office provides guidance, advice and support for the design and implementation of internal procedures of quality assurance in accordance with internal guidelines, be they national or international. The Office directly reports to the University Senate through the Deputy/Rectors of Academic and Research Matters.
Quality Assurance Office and groups of internal quality assessment are responsible for all matters related to the internal quality aimed at improving and maintaining high level academic and administrative services at “Albanian University”.
- These structures promote the creation of quality culture at the University;
- They submit recommendations to the University Senate on matters related to improving the quality in the teaching and non-teaching fields;
- They review provisions related to ensuring and improving teaching and learning quality;
- They take into consideration new international trends and best practice in the context of Quality Assurance;
- They ensure implementation of the procedures laid down with regard to quality;
- They facilitate dissemination within the university of quality related information;
- They review guidelines related to quality.
Internal Quality Assurance Office, established at the AU, has been required through working groups for each study program, to carry out the following tasks:
- To contribute to the improvement of education and research, and the development of individualism of different study programs;
- To assist in their full accountability before the public actors and their status as evaluators;
- To establish credibility among the community sustaining that the university meets national and international standards of academic quality;
- To support departments in implementing the standards established by relevant AU structures and in preparing documents to be submitted to the accreditation agencies;
- To conduct assessments of each department within the university to promote the fact that strengths are sustainable and weaknesses should be corrected;
- To support departments in the creation of their strategic plan;
- To encourage departments to perform self-assessment, including assessment performed by students;
- To improve the research, teaching and learning quality;
- To support university faculties and centers through the creation and development of quality assured internal system;
- To meet expectations of students and university employees;
- To meet satisfaction and expectations related to benefits from university services;
Self Evaluation Report Albanian University 2017