Graduates Advancement and Development of University capacities in Albania (GRADUA)
The project will mainly accompany and support the Albanian universities in interfacing arm with the society needs with a special focus on sustainability, capacity building and best practice share: the activities planned will enhance university staff skills on enhancing graduates’ career development, developing professional traineeship and structured cooperation with the business world, effective tools for career guidance and students’ orientation on the labour market, advanced and competitive research tools for higher education monitoring and Albanian labour market analysis.
Project objectives:
- to build Albanian universities capacities by transferring EU best practices on graduates monitoring and employability;
- to enhance the empowerment of Albanian universities accordingly to the ongoing reform of Albanian higher education system;
- to strengthen universities-enterprises links;
- to increase the collaboration among universities at local level;
- to support an open market for high qualified human capital in Albania;
- to improve the quality of the higher education system in Albania according to international standards.
- Albanian Partner Country
- Agricultural University of Tirana
- University of Arts
- University of Medicine
- Polytechnic University of Tirana
- University of Tirana
- POLIS University
- Albanian University
- European University of Tirana
- University “ Our Lady of Good Council”
- Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- United Nations Development Programme, Tirana
- International Programme Country
- University of Siena
- University Institute of Lisbon
- University of Barcelona
- Inter-University Consortium AlmaLaurea
Project Website: http://www.graduaproject.com/
Contact person: Prof.Asoc.Dr. Genta Rexha genta.rexha@albanianuniversity.edu.al