The Vision
Faculty of Social Sciences is a main unit of Albanian University that reflects the values that traditionally form the art of teaching, research and other university activities. This faculty aims through an active performance for the creation of a free environment for dialogue, directed correctly toward professional and interpersonal relations. Aims at free exchanges with the scientific community, dedicated creativity of teaching, long-term intellectual development, professionalism, research, entrepreneurship and cooperation with local and global communities.
The Mission
The mission of the Faculty of Social Sciences is focused on the preparation of human capacity, closely associated with research, in order that today’s students and the future professionals be prepared, imparting them contemporary knowledge, a qualitative theoretical training and applied professional skills, benefiting from cooperation in professional practices in institutions of different levels, from central to local ones, such as: legislative, executive, judicial and educational, in order for the students to be compatible in the labor market .
The Values
In the hierarchy of values in which the Faculty of Social Sciences of Albanian University believes in, are the values of the higher education institutions and in particular: human dignity, the prohibition of any discrimination, evaluation according to ability criteria, evaluation and respect for individual and cultural characteristics, responsibility and duties towards recognition of the university community, honesty, integrity and professionalism, competitiveness, knowledge, high quality, support study and research, equality, impartiality, fair and transparent collaboration.
The essential goals are:
-To encourage the initiative and desire to qualify as professionals of the future in order to compete with dignity in the labor market.
– To encourage the students to love and respect their country relying on the grounds of professional ethics, universal values and gaining a wide multicultural approach of their thinking and the manner of perceiving situations.
-To create and encourage teamwork and ethical behavior, based on respect for each individual, open to different opinions and cooperation, promoting dialogue and innovative ideas.
-To set at a higher level of teaching qualification process in the preparation of students, highly qualified staff and continuous training, offering contemporary updated curricula, referring to the standards required by the Albanian legislation and experience of European universities. Raising the scientific and academic level of teaching and lecturers will serve as a strong base in guaranteeing the quality of the student-centered teaching approach, through the application of interactive methods.
-To increase the cooperation of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Albanian University not only with Albanian counterpart faculties of other universities within the country but also abroad, in the framework of the exchange of professors and students and organizing research in collaboration with them.
-To build a more effective cooperation, professional training of students, giving a wider dimension of cooperation in the context of teaching practices, links between the Faculty of Social Sciences and all departments and university bodies and units.
-To encourage students in participating in their own scientific research or in cooperation with the academic staff;
-To prepare the study programs, which match with the needs of the labor market, referring to the requests for professions and certain profiles that are of great interest.