“Role of Democratic System in re-opening of Bektashism in Albanian and worldwide in the last 30 years” was the main topic of the study presented by Prof.Dr. Kaliopi Naska, dean of Faculty of Social Sciences in the Albanian University, invited as a speaker in the Scientific Conference organized by World Bektashi Order on the occasion of establishment of World Bektashi Headquarters in Albania and 80th anniversary of assassination of 1st World Bektashi Headfather Sali Niazi Dedebaba.
In her speech, Prof.Dr. Kaliopi Naska underlined that “political changes aimed to re-establishment of religious beliefs enabled the religious freedom and rights of religious communities and thanks to dedication of World Headfathers was achieved the re-organization and headship of World Bektashi Center with a focus on re-establishment of belief during pluralism period in Albania and strengthening of Bektashism worldwide”
For her contribution as a scholar Prof. Dr. Kaliopi Naska was awarded with this Certificate by World Bektashi Headfather, His Grace, Hajji Dede Edmond Brahimaj.