“Albanian University” was part of 4th Conference of EUWEB, “New and Old Trends of Police and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters”, with the presentation of Dr. Irisi Topalli by the Department of Legal and Political-Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences on “Framework of judicial cooperation and judicial culture: best practices and comparative approach”.
During her stay at the University of Salerno, Dr. Irisi Topalli was also engaged in teaching the Constitutional and EU Law.
The Conference held on May 26-26, 2022 in the venues of University of Salerno, is part of Jean Monnet module, EUWEB (EU-Western Balkans Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs), where “Albanian University” participates in the capacity of partner.
In the framework of this cooperation, on June 14, 2022, “Albanian University” shall host a workshop to discuss the obtained results.