In the framework of the Research Infrastructure for Religious Studies RESILIENCE, “Albanian University”, together with World Bektashi Headquarters organised the conference “Bektashism in Albanian culture” with the participation of World Bektashi Headfather, His Grace, Hajji Dede Edmond Brahimaj and Rector of “Albanian University “ Prof. Dr. Pavllo Kongo.
Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences in “Albanian University”, Prof. Dr. Kaliopi Naska highlighted that “organisation of this scientific conference and exhibition with photographs dedicated to history of Bektashism in the Albanian culture aims to shed light on the contributions in matters of mainly literary, historical, architectural character of Bektashi cultural inheritance and will unfold the exploring journey carried out on historical and cultural traces of Bektashi Order in the spiritual, social and national life of Albanians”.
Prof. Asoc. Dr. Genta Rexha made a panorama on the Research Infrastructure for Religious Studies RESILIENCE, whose partner among other European institution is also the “Albanian University”.
In his speech, World Bektashi Headfather, His Grace, Hajji Dede Edmond Brahimaj said that “Bektashism is a mystic path of Islam religion that helps human beings to improve themselves. Bektashism supports the spirit of tolerance and inter-religious cooperation. Religion is the mind. We hold God in our hearts, together with our religion. We are holy if our behaviour is characterised by moral, education and values”.
Researchers Nuri Çuni and Sheldiana Agaraj acquainted students with the history of Bektashi Order in Albania and architecture of shrines, hierarchy, clothing, rituals.
Students of Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Applied and Economic Sciences in the “Albanian University“ were eager to learn about the history and values that this belief expresses in Albanian culture of religious beliefs.