Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy

Head of Department: Dr. Erina HILAJ

Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy is part of the Faculty of Medical Sciences. It functions as a basic unit for development of teaching and scientific research work. Department encourages, plans, coordinates, develops, organises and administrates the teaching and scientific research activity for its study programs.

Each year, the Department carries out a labour market study and thereof submits proposals for improvement and/or adaptation of curricula and its study programs.

Vision and mission of the department are based on :

– Albanian Strategy and Legislation on higher education

– Institutional Strategy of Albanian University

– Strategy of AU Faculty of Medical Sciences

– Strategy of the Department

Vision of Department of Nursing in Albanian University is to be a leader in administration and transformation of nursing studies in Albania as well as the way the profession of nursing is taught and practiced.

Mission of Department is to contribute in improvement of health, well-being and quality of life of the community through education, research, nursing care and inclusion of the community.

Fundamental values that head the entire process of education, research and practice in this department include :

– Excellence: Continuous efforts for perfectness in all academic, practical and research activities and engagement for continuous increase of quality and performance, as well as devotion to ensure the best conditions for our students.

– Innovation: Assessment of creativity and innovative methods, in particular during teaching process in the theoretical and practical component, as well as use of methods and most advanced means of scientific research.

– Professional Culture and culture of equity, diversity and inclusiveness.

Components of excellency of the department based on Strategic Plan of Albanian University are:

– Academic programs: The scope is drafting and support with updated teaching programs for future generation of professionals, heads and scholars in the field of nursing studies to offer an excellent nursing care.

– Research and update of knowledge and professional skills: The scope is to lead research in fields of promotion of health, public health, recognition of healthcare systems, advance of nursing care in special specialties and above all : practical skills in updated and comparative study programs.

– Cooperation with national and international partners: The scope is to create partnerships with local and international institutions aiming to improve and update academic, comprehensive engagement of lectures and students in scientific activities, encouragement of mobility among the academic staff and students, establishment and expansion of capacities for an active and qualitative inclusion of students in the professional practice.

Department has always focused its attention on participation of lecturers with a professional and academic experience in the process of teaching. In the course of the years, distinguished dignitaries in the field of medicine and academism have offered their contribution in this respect. Current academic staff is composed by experts in the field of medicine, physiotherapy and majority of them have scientific degrees and academic titles.

Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy has already established the tradition of organization of annual students conferences. Participating in these conferences are selected students who under the supervision of lecturers of different subjects prepare and submit various theoretical and practical topics of special interest for them and related to the study programs offered by the department.

Likewise, department, in cooperation with full-time or part-time lecturers, as well as invited guests, regularly organizes open lecturers for students attending its four study programs.

The most important conference organised by the department is the annual scientific conference. Department has organised seven conferences, with the participation of full time and part time lectures, as well as invited guests. All these scientific conference highlighted the original works of the authors.

Currently, Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy offers the following study programs:

1. The study program “Bachelor in Nursing”, licensed upon order of MoE no.411 dated 25.08.2011, is accredited for the first time upon Order of MoE no. 239, dated 09.05.2016 and reaccredited upon decision of accreditation board no.111, dated 02.11.2019.

2. The study program “Bachelor in Physiotherapy”, licensed upon order of MoE no.199, dated 16.05.2012, is accredited for the first time upon Order of MoE no.238, dated 09.05.2016 and reaccredited upon decision of accreditation board no.110, dated 02.11.2019.

3. The study program Master Professional in Surgical Nursing, licensed upon order of MoE no.479, dated 10.10.2012, is accredited for the first time upon Order of MoE no.242, dated 09.05.2016 and reaccredited upon decision of accreditation board no.58, dated 05.07.2019.

4. The study program Master Professional in “Manual Therapy”, licensed upon order of MoE no. 671, dated 12.10.2018 and reaccredited upon decision of accreditation board no.59, dated 05.07.2019.

The study program Bachelor in “Nursing”

The study program “Bachelor in Nursing” aims to prepare students with necessary basic knowledge to have the necessary professional skills for a general nurse.

This program is drafted in line with national education strategy aiming to educate skilled professionals in this field. In this respect, a considerable number of students are employed in private of state health institutions in Albania and abroad.

Beside the model of a general nursing care, the academic knowledge offered by this program aims to offer students knowledge in some specific fields of medical sciences in order to orient students not only toward labor market, but also establish bases and knowledge for further specializations.

Curricula of this study program has a regular duration of three-years, organised in a total of 180 ECTS. Curricula is considered to equip first year students with basic knowledge in all fields of medicine, such as: anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, etc. Beside these subjects of basic education, students have the possibility of enhancing knowledge in integration subjects, such as: statistics, informatics and foreign language, which shall complete students skills in relation to exercise of profession. In the course of second and third course, students shall gain specific and practical knowledge that shall complete the professional preparation of a general nurse.

In the course of second and third course, students shall gain practical knowledge in the class and later on practice with patients. Students carry out the teaching practice in several hospital and ambulatory healthcare institutions which have signed specific agreements with Faculty of Medical Sciences.

This knowledge shall serve students to further boost their practical sense of working. At the end of this program, students shall be able to attend further advanced studies in specialised branches necessary for Albanian specifics and professionals of this field in Albania.

The study program “Bachelor in Physiotherapy”

During studies in the study program of Bachelor in Physiotherapy”, topics of each subject aim to equip students with advanced and professional knowledge for study in the profession of physiotherapist.

This program is drafted in line with national education strategy aiming to educate skilled professionals in this field. In this respect, a considerable number of students are employed in private of state health institutions in Albania and abroad.

Curricula of this study program has a regular duration of three years organised in a total of 180 ECTS. The study program “Bachelor in Physiotherapy” includes subjects of theoretical and practical field of “Physiotherapy” and primary focus is to prepare general physiotherapists. This study program aims to equip students with knowledge in exercise of the profession of physiotherapist. Meanwhile, knowledge obtained in the Bachelor study program offer students the opportunity to continue with the master studies.

Students gain theoretical knowledge in class where are used modern teaching and practice methods in specialised centres in the field of physiotherapy.

Curricula plan aims to equip first course students with basic knowledge in subjects such as anatomy, histology, physiology, etc. In the course of second and third course, students shall gain

basic knowledge on specific pathologies, such as orthopaedics, surgery, neurology, paediatrics, geriatrics , etc, as well as respective procedures of physiotherapeutic treatment and rehabilitation.

In the course of second and third course, students shall complete the professional practice in several hospital and ambulatory healthcare institutions which have signed specific agreements with Faculty of Medical Sciences.

At the end of three-year study program, student shall be able to apply professional methodology for treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of body injuries, born or gained pathologies among patients in clinics or in specialised centers.

The study program of Professional Master in “Manual Therapy”

The study program of Professional Master in “Manual Therapy” has a duration of 1 academic year and is organised in 60 ECTS. Main scope of this program is a modern teaching for students based on a good theoretical and practical preparation.

Department has continuously worked on improvement of the curricula and enrichment of the study program with practice hours, always in line with legal acts in force.

This program is drafted in line with national education strategy aiming to educate skilled professionals in this field. In this respect, a considerable number of students are employed in private of state health institutions in Albania and abroad.

The study program Professional Master in Manual Therapy is a coordination of theory and practice, whose training is in compliance with European standards. In particular, this program aims to encourage an integrated therapeutic culture in the framework of manual therapy, based on principles: bio-psychosocial vision of patient’s problem, a clinical teaching methodology which combines the research evidence with the empirical results, an articulated research methodology in function of various problems and epistemological bases of bibliographical references, a positive comparison with various schools and manual therapy traditions.

Eligible for studying in the study program of Physiotherapy are all those who have completed the three-year education (Bachelor studies) in the branch of Physiotherapy and wish to deepen their knowledge in a more specialised program such as the one of Manual Therapy.

The study program of Professional Master in “Surgical Nursing”

The study program of Professional Master in “Surgical Nursing” has a duration of 1 academic year, organised with 60 ECTS. The main scope of this program is to educate and prepare experts in the field of Surgical Nursing capable of working in general and special surgical clinics for adults and children.

This program is drafted in line with nation education strategy aiming to prepare skilled experts in this field. Based on these characteristics, a considerable number of students are employed in private of state health institutions in Albania and abroad.

Department has continuously worked on improvement of the curricula and enrichment of this study program with practical hours, always in line with implementation of legal acts.

Eligible for studying in the study program of Nursing are all those who have completed the three-year education (Bachelor studies) in the branch of Nursing and wish to deepen their knowledge in a more specialised program such as the one of Surgical Nursing.

These studies offer students in-depth knowledge in subjects such as general and clinical nursing studies, nursing studies at the surgery theatre in general and special sub-specialties of surgery.