Call for mobility UNISA

The second call for applications for student mobility at the University of Salerno opens

The second call for applications for student mobility at the University of Salerno ( opens for the academic year 2018 – 2019, the second semester, under the Erasmus + project for Bachelor in Engineering Computer and Information Technology of Albanian University.

Documents must be sent scanned by 20.12.2018 to e-mail:

Documents required for application:

  1. CV
  2. Motivation letter
  3. List of grades
  4. Certificates of protected languages (English or Italian) *
  5. On Monday 24.12.2018, at 10.00, interviews will be held with applicant students.

*Most of the courses are held in Italian. The University of Salerno gives students the opportunity to develop a free Italian language course of 5 ECTS before the semester.